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1. Knee to Chest

2. Worlds Greatest stretch

3. Foot taps 10 yards x2

4.  High knees 10 yards x 2

5. 90-90 stand (30 sec each leg X3)

6. Anterior Reach (hand on pelvis-- no rotation)

7. Skips 10 yards HEIGHT x 4

8. 40 stance knee starts x 5 5 yards

9. 40 stance standing starts x 5 5 yards

10. 40 stance starts x 5 5 yards 

11. 40 stance standing full 40 x 2


Everyday at Home

1. Bench Dips to failure count reps add up through week 


2. Pull up bar hangs for time add up seconds 


3. 5 lb T's one set to failure


4. Glute/hip stretches 

Leg Day:

1. 3 box jumps following heavy squat or dead


2. 40 stance squats 10 each leg body weight building to bumbbells with stability


3. 10 reps bulgarian split squat x 2 each leg

Chest Day:

1. 3 plyo push ups following heavy


2. If possible, replace barbell with heavy dumbbell until equal arm strength 

For everyday speed you can mix it up after warm up with anyting that looks fun from Shea or OTA 

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