Continuing Education Center
1. Knee to Chest
2. Worlds Greatest stretch
3. Foot taps 10 yards x2
4. High knees 10 yards x 2
5. 90-90 stand (30 sec each leg X3)
6. Anterior Reach (hand on pelvis-- no rotation)
7. Skips 10 yards HEIGHT x 4
8. 40 stance knee starts x 5 5 yards
9. 40 stance standing starts x 5 5 yards
10. 40 stance starts x 5 5 yards
11. 40 stance standing full 40 x 2
Everyday at Home
1. Bench Dips to failure count reps add up through week
2. Pull up bar hangs for time add up seconds
3. 5 lb T's one set to failure
4. Glute/hip stretches
Leg Day:
1. 3 box jumps following heavy squat or dead
2. 40 stance squats 10 each leg body weight building to bumbbells with stability
3. 10 reps bulgarian split squat x 2 each leg
Chest Day:
1. 3 plyo push ups following heavy
2. If possible, replace barbell with heavy dumbbell until equal arm strength