Continuing Education Center
Concussions are Treatable
There are close to 4 million sports related concussions each year in the United States. However, most concussions don't happen in sports-- they happen with falls and motor vehicle accidents.
What's alarming is that in a recent poll, 71% of adults said they didn't know concussions were treatable. In this same poll, 1 in 3 adults reported that their child received no prescribed treatment following a concussion. Among those who did receive treatment, the most commonly reported recommendations were prescribed rest, hydration, and over the counter medicine.
Despite the increasing research and better understanding of concussions, most clinicians are treating a concussion the same way they did over a decade ago: with rest and dark rooms.
Physical and cognitive rest may not be an effective strategy for all patients following concussion. This out dated form of treatment often doesn't work and can prolong recovery. I like to say that concussions are like snowflakes, no two are alike. Concussions are characterized by diverse set of symptoms and impairments in brain function and result in different clinical profiles and recovery trajectories for each individual. The treatment of concussions must be individualized.
I believe in a multidisciplinary treatment team which can offer the most comprehensive approach to treating the clinical profiles associated with concussion. As part of our concussion program, once you receive your free baseline testing, if in the unfortunate event you receive a concussion, we will work closely with your pediatrician, family physician, neuropsychologist, orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon to assist in your recovery. By using the state of the art technology provided by our SportGait system, we can all monitor and guide your recovery and provide vital information to the other caregivers on your health team.
SportGait System
TBRx offers baseline testing and injury screening to all youth and high school athletes utilizing the revolutionary SportGait Technology.
Subscribe Today and stay safe all season.

In the unfortunate event you suffer a concussion, you will perform an injury screening test on your phone. The results can be shared with your clinician. Together, we will individualize a specific return to play, school or work program-- specific to you. Your entire health care team can monitor and adjust your recovery by retesting you with the SportGait system-- in a matter of minutes. Your path to recovery will be specific to your needs and will involve a combination of exertional therapy and cognitive therapy-- all under the supervision of a physician and all in the comfort of your own home. No need to schedule appointments and find time for an office visit, with SportGait we are always there.
To learn more, attend one of our information sessions and receive a free baseline test.